Can I plant in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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Can I plant

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Ice-Maiden | 14:40 Mon 24th Sep 2007 | Gardening
4 Answers
Someone's given me a little walnut tree. It's about 8" high and still it in a pot. Can I plant it now, or do i have to wait for it to shed its leaves? Thank you.
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This should help I found it useful

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Well thanks for that - it was!
Plant it well away from your house. In the course of time these can become really tall trees - much higher than the top of your roof, and you need to ensure that the roots, evne when they spread out, are sufficiently far away not to damage the foundations of your property.
Question Author
Thank you - I never really considered the height it might reach, what with it being so small at the moment. I have a very large garden though, so even at its greatest, if the fully-grown tree was to come down, it's well away from the house and any underground pipes. Even so, thanks for telling me this, and I'll bear it in mind.

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