Radishes? Sure! Just about any place as long as they get water and at least 4 or 5 hours of sun a day... radishes love water! Keep the planted area noticbly damp until they sprout. Just barely cover them with soil... not more than a quarter of an inch deep, but assure the bed is well worked to a depth of at least 6 inches, 10 is better. Thin them as soon as they show to about 1 inch or so apart. As soon as the show, plant another round so you'll have fresh ones and keep doing that all summer. I mentioned, on another thread, that a handy trick to sowing them is to use an eye dropper... you know the kind, a glass vial with a rubber bulb at the top... place your radish seeds (the tiny, little black things) in the dropper an squeeze them out one at a time. It makes thinning a thing of the past...
Best of luck!