Tree Roots in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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Tree Roots

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MRJWA | 17:27 Sat 01st Nov 2008 | Gardening
4 Answers
Hi my next-door neighbour has a 10 foot maple tree growing within 4 feet of my house. I believe this tree can grow in excess of 40 feet high and should not be planted within about 25 feet of a building due to possible route damage to a property. I would like to courteously request the tree is removed and this may be upsetting to my neighbour. Before I approach my neighbour can anybody tell me in case in of awkwardness what my rights are? A friend of mine has recently told me his insurance company needs to know if there are any trees within 20 feet of his property, if there was I would think this would increase the premiums of the insurance. Can anyone help please
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Sorry i can't help but you may get a better answer in 'Law' under the subsection 'Civil'
http://www.gardenlaw.co.uk/trees.html is quite a useful website. Can I caution you to be a bit careful about tree removal as trees draw water from the soil and keep the water table in balance. Removing a mature tree, especially on clay soil can cause the water table level to become unstable and result in damage to foundations.
Locally, the only house on our estate that has subsidence problems is the one where a large tree has been removed. Other house where the gardens who have kept their trees are okay (touching wood here!)
...It may be worth getting some expert advice before talking to your neighbour. Root pruning and containment can also be an option.
Look for cracks in paving or walls in trees path; point out to neighbour.

I have trees against my ancient house without any problems. Usually footings are at least 4foot deep on modern residential properties and deeper depending on weight above.
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Hi to all who answered my question (tree roots).
Many many thanks for all the informative answers, they were all a helpful.
What a great bunch all of you are

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