sunflower seeds in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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sunflower seeds

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chazza | 10:24 Tue 24th Mar 2009 | Gardening
5 Answers
I've been given some sunflower seeds which I have planted and they have started to sprout.

I kill everything I grow so was wondering what the optimum place and temperature is to grow them and how often and how much they need watered?

At the minute I have them sitting on the kitchen windowsill where they get sunlight and watering them almost every day, when they get dry
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I bought some seeds earlier this year - and it said to plant them straight outside where you want them to flower Mar-May ...It said keep soil moist and seedlings appear in 2 weeks..Flowers June-Oct...And to remove weaker ones..Also the seedlings can be moved and then to plant them 18" apart.. Hope this helps..Mine have gone straight outside..
Sun Flowers are gross feeders so before you plant the seedlings dig a hole 12" deep and put in some well rotted compost mixed with some Blood/Fish/Bone powder, and keep well watered. Put a 6ft stake about 1/12" alongside it when planting to help keep the main stem straight, tying it loosely with green string as it grows up. Plant in a sunny position.
Just to add... I'm sure you're aware that most varieties of decorative or confectioner type sunflowers grow to rather amazing heights. Be sure, when you transplant that, as carlton says, that is not only in a sunny location but also not obstructed to at least 7 feet above the plant...
They are extremely tough. We feed our local wild birds in the winter with sunflower seeds and they are very messy eaters!! In the spring after winters that go down into the minus 20degs C.The scattered sunflowers pop up in great profusion. we just let them get on with it.It's usually nip and tuck that they flower before winters back!!(very short growing season).
Well, I grow them in a tray, quite a number of them, then Iharvest the young growing plants after they sprout up, about 3 or 4 inches high. They are then added , a tasty fresh treat in my salads.

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