how can i get cats out of my garden area? There are loads from surrounding houses and with my 3 year old child just starting to play in the garden now, he is petrified of these pests
there are a number of sprays on the market,most DIY shops sell them.just spray around the edge of the garden and the cats[and dogs] wont's harmless to the animals and more importantly to's effective working life depends on the weather and needs to be resprayed after rain. I find it works very well, cats go around my garden rather then straight across.
MWB - If you are 3 years old and haven't had any contact with cats in your short life and when one day you are playing in the garden for the first time alone, without a care in the world and all of a sudden a cat jumps over the fence and stares at you standing about a metre away, would you be scared regardless of what your parents regard them as? Yes i think you would. And would you be apprehensive when you go out in the garden again? Yes you would.
Best way to keep cats out of your garden is to get your own cat, they won't come onto another cat's territory.
It would also give your child(ren) a healthier attitude to animals.
Been trying to keep them out of my garden for years, its not the cats I don't like, its the mess. A water pistol will work, but won't stop them coming back.
Cats scared birds off constantly and had them fouling all over my garden which i put a lot of work into.
Check this item out, they also do a lot more pest control and garden wares.