Garden plant in The AnswerBank: Gardening
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Garden plant

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Ric.ror | 08:02 Tue 15th Feb 2011 | Gardening
8 Answers
In my garden I have a small bushy plant with small thin pale green leaves.it is covered in shiny black berries but even in this weather has a lovely fragrance. Anyone any idea what it is?
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sounds like a sarcoccoa if it has small creamy white flowers
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Oh thanks for that
I know nothing about gardening and have not lived here very long but I was struck by the fragrance
I thought plants were only fragrant in summer or warm temps and it's freezing here
loads of good winter bloomers, winter honeysuckle (Lonicera fragrantissima) is a cracker, as is the winter flowering hazel, and the myrtles and some of the viburnums are early too underplant with jetfire daffs and native bluebells for a winter/spring treat...
Sorry spelling is Sarcococca if you wanted to google it and check
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Yes just looked it up that's the one
It says I need to feed it in spring -will tomato plant food do the trick
no give it a sprinkle of fish blood and bonemeal as it is longer lasting tomato food is really only for short lived flowering stuff like bedding plants
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I guess I can get that at homebase
Do you know anything about lavender? I have some seeds but the ones I planted last year were not succesful one out of 50 an I think thats dead now
Also can you recommend any easy to grow herbs
I like plants with a dual use
Lavenders like a well drained sunny spot, feed with bonemeal, plant the tough ones or if you want a lower one then Munstead is a good variety, clip over lightly when the flowers fade but don't go into the old wood.
Good herbs golden oregano looks lovely, purple flowers great for bees and can be used instead of marjoram as well, Sage 'tricolor' again looks prettier and not so vigorous, variegated thymes again in a nice sunny spot again good for bees, parsley in little clumps in the border the bright green goes brilliantly with the pale blue lobelias or orangey marigolds garlic chives with their graceful white flowers, normal chives ,and don't forget edible flowers like nasturtiums, pansies, hemerocallis (like sweet lettuce) borage essential for a proper Pimms, and at least one rugosa rose for petals (candy them in sugar syrup then dry until crunchy) and edible hips....real rosehip syrup is great for soothing sore throats, lots more multipurpose plants out there...
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Trouble is I am plagued by snails and slugs so anything lettucey is out
I am aiming to try those micros that go through the soil and eat the slugs though
I quite fancy theherbs you mention and also lime basil -like the sound of that

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