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Sowing pea seeds

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beeseejay | 09:35 Fri 18th Mar 2011 | Gardening
3 Answers
I've heard about sowing pea seeds in loo rolls. How do I go about it? Soil/compost first obviously - then what? Thanks as always.


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Toilet rolls are ideal because the allow he peas to develop a deep root run.
You can block the bottom of the tube with scrunched-up newspaper, or just stand the tubes in a seed tray - either method will prevent the soil from falling out of the bottom.

Then just plant the seeds and carry on as usual.

The only reason you use tubes is for the deep roots - minimum diameter with maximum depth - a 6'' deep pot would require a lot more compost than a 6'' tube, that's all.
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Thanks Naz, at last a use for all the loo rolls that we accumulate.
... and you can compost them when you've planted out the peas :-))

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Sowing pea seeds

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