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Freezer trouble.

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filibuster | 14:37 Thu 02nd Jun 2011 | Interiors
10 Answers
We have just returned from holiday to find our freezer had switched itself off. There wasn't much in it so no loss there, but the lingering smell is horrendous. We have sprayed the plastic baskets with antibacterial disinfectant more than once, have washed them out in hot soapy water, left them lying out in the {limited} sunshine, and eventually put them back on the now switched on freezer, thinking the conditions would kill the smell. Nothing has worked. Can some kind soul suggest what we can try next without having to buy a new 'fridge/freezer?


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Try standing a small bowl (ramekin size) with bicarbinate of soda in each compartment.
14:49 Thu 02nd Jun 2011
try washing in lemon juice. I know what you mean, the smell can be overwhelming.
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Thank you janbee, I'll try that. In fact I'll try ANYTHING!
Try standing a small bowl (ramekin size) with bicarbinate of soda in each compartment.
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Thank you also Barmaid, I shall give that a try too. I haven't had the chance to sort it out yet so tomorrow is THE day.
Also try washing in white vinegar or failing that a weak-ish solution of bio washing powder disolved in warm water.
If that fails, You could try this, it got rid of strong cheese pong from my fridge
yes bicarbonate of soda should work, it absorbs smells, use lots of it!............I would just spread it on the baskets and leave it for a few days, then wash them again!.....should work!................
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Thank you all for your differing replies. We have just used the lemons to wash the freezer out and have left a dish of Bicarbonate of Soda sitting in it. If we are still having problems, I shall work my way down the list. You kind people never let me down, thank you so much.
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As an update to the previous correspondence, I have to admit that we were forced into buying a new 'fridge/freezer. The smell just wouldn't die no matter what we tried and as the only solutions available to us were either buy a new appliance or move out, so we chose the easier option. Thanks again for your suggestions.

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Freezer trouble.

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