Door Curtain Tracks in The AnswerBank: Interiors
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Door Curtain Tracks

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Runeoth | 18:41 Fri 23rd Dec 2011 | Interiors
6 Answers
I have a rather poorly designed 'porch' where is merely a protrusion from the house, there is only a 1 1/2 inch gap between the top of the door and the ceiling. As it gets rather chilly in the hallway, id like to stick a curtain in there but am not sure if that will be enough room to mount a track from the ceiling and leave enough room to open the door. I could not find any 'heights' for the tracks online, and was wondering if anyone could shed some light. Many thanks
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can't you attach a curtain rod to the top of the door to support the curtain from, so it will move with the door.
is ther not enough room to fix it tothe wall above the door ? as long as the track goes far enough back to one side to allow for the curtain to be pulled back it should work. Curtain traks can be all kinds of sizes.
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there isnt any wall above the door im afraid, there about 1/2 inch od UPVC and then 1/2 inch of a edging piece. Should have mentioned its a floor-ceiling UPVC Door with a ~2ft side panel, plus ~1ft of wall each side, all of which i want to cover as they are very cold.
maybe "nanntboody" meant the wall either side of the porch to fix a rail at a height greater than the door height - although limited
edit: nannybooby ===== whoops
Can't you mount the curtain from wall to wall in the hallway at a distance from the doorway that allows the door to open?

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