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How Much To Tank A Bathroom?

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woofgang | 15:49 Tue 11th Nov 2014 | Interiors
4 Answers
Could anyone who knows give me a ballpark figure for tanking a bathroom floor around 6 foot by eight please? I don't want to do a wet room, just make my bathroom floor totally waterproof.


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Assuming it's a ground floor bathroom with a solid floor, then either three coats of bitumen waterproofer, or a coat of "Vandex".

"Vandex" is a more modern way, Woofters. "Synthaprufe" is a bit messy.

Nothing much can be done under a bath or shower, but the WC pan and the basin pedestal ought to be removed first. Also the skirting boards should come off to do the junction between the walls and floor.

2 to 3 hundred pounds if all goes well.
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Thank you The Builder, its an upstairs room with a weyroc type floor that has been covered over with plywood and tiled. I guess the tiles would need to come up. I am looking at options to stop water working its way out of the bathroom and marking my kitchen ceiling.
As far as I know, Woofs, there is no reliable, long-lasting way of waterproofing chipboard completely. A barrier of some kind would be the best way I guess.

There are various mat systems for laying and tiling over. This is one...

The only sure way is to actually create a wet-room.
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thank you, and I guess creating a wet room cost megabucks?

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