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Cowboy Decorator

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cupotee2 | 21:55 Wed 13th Apr 2016 | Interiors
8 Answers
As this is the WWW I don't want to enlarge on this issue at this stage but, would like to know where we stand regarding possibly the small claims court to retrieve some of our cash back to help towards getting a decent job done, as we had hoped first time round.

He insists no one has ever complained before. I have photographic evidence to prove my point,apart from being seen in person by several horrified visitors.

I've had a scant look via Google as to what we might be able to do about it.

Does anyone have any experience or knowledge that might help put us in the right direction, please.



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Have you got all the paperwork? Quotes etc...
If the work is genuinely awful someone may have complained about the business before.

We had a local Facebook page allowing people to give details of the cowboys. Look to see if you have such a group.

Google the company name and see if someone has devised them online.

The more information that you have the stronger your position.

"No one has ever complained before!"

That's the sort of reply an undertaker might make to a client.
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Have you asked him to correct the work? If you have, and he has refused, then progress to the courts.
very simple to apply to small forms from internet..local trading standards will advise also..
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Mastercraft, yes he has offered to rectify the work tho the standard of his work leaves a lot to be desired. Also most of the furnishings have to be removed to get to it.

I have a poorly husband of 83, I myself am not too far behind him, and chronic arthritis. Its a major job to prepare let alone having to clean up and put the rooms straight again.

I already told the man [can't bring myself to call him a decorator ] i feel he has taken advantage of our ages and vulnerability. I have always been houseproud and still am. The very reason we decided to have the work done now we are beyond doing it ourselves.

Thanks for the advice I will be on my toes when he turns up next.

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