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Indoor Spider Problem.

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cleoval | 23:01 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | Interiors
22 Answers

Hi a beautiful silver spider has just dangled infront of me while i was on the computer.  i was a little scared but do not want to kill it.  when i looked up it is now on the ceiling and there are 2 of them.What should i do.? TIA.



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Smile say hello and ignore them in my opinion, it's getting cold outside and they won't hurt you!

Please leave them alone.  They'll find somewhere to hide away and won't hurt you.  It's too cold to put them outside.  You should feel honoured they've chosen you. Well done.

I agree with the above responses. It'll be fine. You'll be glad of spiders when it's summer and they'll catch the flies.

I've got a couple of resident spiders - both called Sammy as they look identical.  Cause no problems whatsoever and just do their own thing.

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Hi all thanks for your answers.  I promise to leave them alone.!

Find some conkers, most don't believe it though,I used to get them behind my computer monitor, put some conkers behind and now there's none in that room at all.

Lavender scented air fresheners are supposed to keep them away. 

Unsure what the problem is.


Try your local pet store for a ton of fly flavour "Spidey Dins".


I've had a couple of nasty spider bites but don't mind them living with us. Wish I could train them not to bite

Barry do you live in the Australian outback or something!

That brought back memories.  Going back years, we had a large spider (we called it Boris) that every night for weeks used to run out from under the settee across the hearth rug past the dog's nose and back under the settee.  The dog used to observe it with an alarmed look and jump on to the arm chair out of the way!!!

MrSmow, despite being a great strapping thing who isn't phased by snakes, rats, lizards, anything,,is absolutely TERRIFIED by spiders - even the teeniest money spiders. So he would be completely freaking  out now. I used to be but have learned to just leave them alone as they are doing no harm. 

TTT, spider bites are not unusual in the UK

When my daughter was small, we lived in a semi rural location. We had a resident spider that was huge. Rather than have my daughter be terrified of spiders like her best friend, I took to referring him as Harry the Hairy Spider. We'd chat to him when he came out of his hiding places.

Barry, I'm pretty sure I've had a few bites...particularly after seeing a spider in my bed a few times. 

10:07 well I've never had one and I have plenty of them in the house. They generally stay out of sight anyway.

I've got a few living in my house, I give them a misting of water a few times a week to give them a drink and they catch any bugs in my house.

I've had lots of spiders in my house for years, never been bitten.

put em outside and it will be an outside spider problem

I put a tumbler over them and slip a stiff paper to seal the tumbler and shake them out of the window

if it is a money spider try to get them to crawl over your waller

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