By all means spend lots of money on all sorts of magic potions, but if all you want is to remove unwanted odour then simply take an onion, cut it in half and place each half in each of the rooms just before going to bed tonight. By morning there should be no detectable odour of any sort - no, not of the onion either. It works as a general deodorant, especially against tobacco/cigarette stench. Next time try to prevent the steam from the cooking process travelling within the dwelling - a good extractor fan or very good recirculating fan (with serviceable filters, not choked ones) above the cooking area will do the trick, or if nothing else a partially open window in a closed kitchen might reduce the effect of cooking - if the kitchen is open to other areas then the cold air from the window will simply drop to the floor and any exit flow will come from the whole of the open/joined area.(after the kitchen air has mixed in with everything else).