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Planning query - neighbour building UP TO my window!

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tarnold1 | 17:36 Wed 21st Sep 2005 | Home & Garden
2 Answers

My neighbour, who owns a piece of land immediately adjacent to my house, wants to build a house on his plot. I have a high level round window on that wall - this window would be completely blocked up if permission was granted, as the new house would HAVE to be attached to mine. The window has only been there for 3 years so no right to light applies. It is not the only light source in the room and doesnt provide a view as such as it is up high, but is an important feature of the room.

Can he do this?? An application hasnt been submitted yet but I will obviously object when it does!

Does anyone know if the planners are at all likely to grant this?? thanks

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Well if I were you I would pay a visit to your local planning department or give a planning officer a call, you will find them helpful, and they will be able to tell you what is possible and what is not.   I do not see how anyone could attach a house to yours if you are detached as there must surely be a boundary between you ????
I'd agreeI cannot see how he can attach a new house to yours without your aggreement

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