We have recently exchanged and our tenancy is classed as introductory. Although we have moved areas I stayed in my job but am finding it difficult to commute. I would like to move out temporarily nearer to my job and next year I\\\'d move back home so I could do some studying. I am an occupier rather than the tenant, the tenant and another occupier would continue to live in the house and I would carry on paying rent as normal, is this allowed? Thank you!
you mean you would carry on paying rent for somewhere you would not be living anbd are not a tenant and so not liable for the rent? Would you be living elsewhere for free then?
Just my part of the rent I would look on it as keeping my place open, it's all just ideas really! Maybe i don't need to do that have no idea really! New place would have to be cheap cos I don't earn much (honestly!) Job is relevant to career i want to study for which is why i still work there, but I couldn't afford to live alone when I study and place I want to study at is nearer home anyway! Answers greatly appreciated!
If youre not named on the tenancy agreement, I wouldnt imagine the council would care. But, if anyone, or all of the tenants, are receiving Housing Benefit, it may have an effect. Best thing to do is speak to the housing dept.