I am having a new bathroom installed soon and the installer has told me that I need to uprate the incoming power supply to the meter to take into account the new 9.5 kW shower. This need new 16 mm tails and a 100 A main fuse. My bathroom installer tells me that this upgrade is free and is the responsibility of my current electricity supplier. My electricity supplier says 'no its not'. Any thoughts and / or a link to something definitive?
Thank you.
Back in the day, Elec suppliers (and Gas) provided all kinds of services free. I don't know for sure, but I'd be very surprised if there was no charge for this.
Are you sure you need to upgrade the service? What size tails and cut-out do you have now?
If you look at the bottom of your meter you will see 4 tails..they are from left to right....live neutral neutral live...the two on the right are the metered feeds to your distribution board ...and are your responsibillity as is all equipment after them.On a 100a TNS supply they are generally 25mm not 16mm.From your post you say that the incoming supply needs uprating..if this is the case it is the responsibillity of the supplier..however they are not duty bound to do it unless there is spare capacity in the feeders.
Brightspark - I have chosen this dowdy persona (I once went to a fancy dress party as Mrs O) as if I revealed my true identity as a supermodel I would be mobbed