I have a small wooden chest lined with fabric that has been glued on. The chest has a strong 'gluey' smell that I can't get rid of. I've tried washing it, baking powder, febreeze, essential oils and leaving it in the open air but the smell persists! Anything I put in the box will get this smell so it's really annoying. Any ideas?
... Or stop by your ocal DIY store and pick up a small cedar board (see if they have any opened packets of split cedar shingles)... place it in the chest and close it for a few days...
line with kitchen paper and cover with a mixture of rice and coffee granuals. Leave for around 5 days lid shut. Remove coffee and rice and repeat process for another 5 days . Rice absorbs nasty niffs coffee replaces horrible smell .
Lots of things to try there. I tried the onion one a while ago for getting rid of paint fumes and found that the paint fumes were just replaced with onion ones. I'll give each a go and hope that one works. thanks folks!
If it is that small and that annoying, maybe the answer is to remove the existing lining and its glue, and redo it with a fragrance free adhesive. I suspect as long as the glue is there giving off vapours the smell will return.
Old Geezer, I thought of this but the fabric is REALLY stuck on and there is no way of getting it off without damaging the box (it's not made of strong wood).