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Oil stains

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razza | 13:35 Thu 04th Aug 2011 | Home & Garden
6 Answers
How do you get rid of light bicycle chain oil from clothes.


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Rub some Swargega or similar into the oil until it starts to lift, then wash the clothes as normal. I used to work in a dry cleaners and this is what we did with any oil based stains.
spray it with wd40 then wash
Pussy's method is what I used to do with oily coveralls. That, and a handful of Swarfega in the machine itself. The only problem is with any polyester in the material - the oil can act on it like a permanent dye, making it impossible to remove the stain fully. Give it a go.
I'm impressed folk have suggestions. I always took a 'prevention is better than cure' stance, when it came to engineering oil and clothes.
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Thank you will try swarfega first
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