EAs have incredible powers of persuasion that their's is the best service.
Nobody can offer an opinion based on this information because it depends on so many factors. The primary ones are the type of property you are selling and the area where you live.
The type of property is important because certain agents specialise in certain markets (flats, inner city, country houses and so on), whilst different agents are better in different atreas (some are one-person bands, but nevertheless very good in that small area, whicly Hamptons sell country houses nationwide).
It is very common for EAs to target homeowners who have not sold with one agent to try to persuade them to switch to their service.
Have a look at what 'Patrick Gardner' flogs the most of (by looking in his shop-window and at his adverts) to judge whether the EA your daughter has chosen seems appropriate.
The market across many parts of the country is pretty slow right now.