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Wet Wipes.

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carlton23 | 23:21 Thu 19th Jan 2012 | Home & Garden
52 Answers
Why musn`t you use wet wipes to clean yourself properly and then flush them down the toilet? What else are you supposed to do with them? Surely the pipes in the sewer are large enough, or is there a filter device down there?


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Yes, I agree trt and you can leave it in the bathroom. I do not like the idea of walking out of the bathroom with soiled wet wipes looking for a place to dispose of them.
Anna - That has nothing to do with the question so stop ranting about it!!
It wasn't, it was about wet wipes.
Wet wipes are not the same as say ... andrex washlettes.
Check it out,
Bill, bet you are glad you asked now!!
Yes, wet wipes. NOT baby wipes!!! Nothing to do with car parking or nappies...
It DOES !!
MEH !!
mini pedal bin by side of the loo, with a bin liner.
lol...try reading the OP again. Pay attention to the words 'wet wipes' 'toilet' 'sewer'
I will not be swayed, lazy cows.
Any answers will be wasted, away now :)
So mothers are 'lazy cows'

What type of wet wipes are you talking about?
If you mean things like Andrex moistened toilet tissue, it says on the front of the pack 'flushable' so which type can't you flush?
Wet wipes and baby wipes.

Andrex obviously made theirs to be flushable :-)
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Do you ever feel you had n`t asked a question???
Carlton, would you like to start again? :-)

You mustn't put standard wet wipes down the toilet as they bung it up. What you need (I have some - here, have a look) are moist toilet tissue sheets (which if you buy shops own can be cheaper than baby wipes, latter often impregnated with lotion or other goop) - moist toilet tissue is good for cleaning the bum, and can be flushed - it says so on the packet.
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Thanks Boxtops, I will get a packet next time I go out, when it get`s warmer.
"moist toilet tissue is good for cleaning the bum, and can be flushed - it says so on the packet. "

I refuse to believe it says "good for cleaning the bum" on the packet :P
And good Lord carlton, you aint going out again until at least June???
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Boo: If you could hear my chest all day and night you would understand. Anti-Biotic`s don't touch it.
LOL @ B00

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