I've got a built in freezer, it's a Homark, no idea of model number as I'll have to pull the whole thing out to find it. The other day I defrosted it, switched it back on and all seemed well until a couple of days later when started to defrost itself, I've switched it off completely. Now, on the control panel there is an on/off button, a green light, a red light and an orange light, then next to that is another button, does anyone know what these lights and the last button do? Many thanks for any replies.
Intelligent guess: Green - power on and temp ok. Red - temp not cold enough. Orange- fastfreeze on and that's what the button's for, to switch fastfreeze on and off. Only a guess, mind!
Just to expand, when I switched it on the other day the middle red light came on and stayed on. I thought I'd give it another go before I think about buying a new one, so I've switched it on, the red light has come on and I've also pressed the other button and the orange light has come on, so now I have two buttons on, help, what does it all mean. This freezer was in the house when we moved in so have no idea of age, except that it's over 7 years old.
I think my answer still stands. If the freezer is working properly, the red light will eventually go off when the temp has got down to about -18C. Could take some hours.
I think ginge is probably right. When it reaches the correct temperature the red light will go off and the green light will show. Wait and see what's happening in the morning.
Thanks for all your answers, I'll sit it out til morning, hopefully the red and orange light will be replaced by a nice green light and the bloody thing will be freezing cold, otherwise it's a trip to crappy Currys