Ventilation question in The AnswerBank: Home & Garden
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Ventilation question

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coccinelle | 18:12 Sat 11th Feb 2012 | Home & Garden
10 Answers
I hope somebody can help me with the name of this in English as it doesn't seem to translate well on the net.
In French it's VMC. It's a way of ventilating a house, usually positioned in a bathroom to prevent mould from forming and helping with allergies. It's not an extractor fan as this only takes out air from a room; a 'VMC' ventilates, cleans and re-cycles air so in fact you're not losing heat. On top of this so long as the electric is on at the meter this system works, you can only turn it off if you switch the house electrics off (though I do think there is a manual system too).
There must be the equivalent in the UK.
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what do you want to know about it? Is this question about an existing french installation or do you want to install one in another country?
Ventilation Mécanique Contrôlée

I think it's standard on all new houses in France. A way of ventilating without open windows or vents. Heat recovery is a part of the system, so water vapour is taken out of the house, and the heat is recovered.

I guess the best way is to Google "Heat Recovery Systems"
Having re-read your question, I'll give my understanding of it, It is a central ventilation system which extracts air from some or all of the rooms in a house via a manifold and fan in the loft(usually). It can be incorporated with a heat exchanger ('double flux' in French) so that the outgoing air heats the incoming air which relaces it. A humidity control option also seem to be available.
I'm sorry I can't tell you more. Sadly, it's not used much in this country......... but it will be in the future!
If you want to know prices try this link;
Question Author
Thank you so much to you both for your replies. I was wanting to know if this exists in the UK. I have this installed in a house I let here in France. My family lets a house in England which has mould problems so wanted to give them this information. Anyway, this can be installed into an English home?
I can't see why not. I wish it were.
Something like this..............

I had a look at Jomifl's link to Castorama. That's a very cheap and useful system. It looks like it would solve mould and condensation problems easily. That would be enough for most people. I don't think it recovers heat though. That would need a more complex and expensive system.
Question Author
Yes, thank you. I think when the family are over they'll be having a walk around Castorama or Leroy Merlin for this....

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