News1 min ago
5 Answers
i have sprayed my climbing rose with rose clear for black spot and leaves have become brittle and dropping off in large numbers this happened 2 years ago
please can you tell me why
please can you tell me why
In my experience, got a rose, got blackspot. I think it remains in the soil to reinfect early each year.
Unsure why your rose's leaves are dropping but it may be nothing to do with your spraying. My guess would be it is infected with something. Could be fungal, or some virus, or even pest.
20:32 Tue 05th Jun 2012
I'mwith maize[i on this one... check under a healthy leaf and see if there's small, reddish specks running...
On the off chance it is blackspot or other fungal infection, ask your garden store for [i]Dormant Oil]... it mixes about 4 ounces to 1 gallon in water. Spray the ground under and around the base of the plant... soak it pretty thoroughly. Do it again next apring before the plant start growing and be sure to not get any on your shoes or clothes. While harmless it smells pretty badly since its primary constiuent is sulphur...
On the off chance it is blackspot or other fungal infection, ask your garden store for [i]Dormant Oil]... it mixes about 4 ounces to 1 gallon in water. Spray the ground under and around the base of the plant... soak it pretty thoroughly. Do it again next apring before the plant start growing and be sure to not get any on your shoes or clothes. While harmless it smells pretty badly since its primary constiuent is sulphur...
This is not a joke!! Push a Garlic clove into the soil next to the stem of each Rose pointy end upwards!. The plant takes in the Garlic and deters infestation. Do it now and again next Spring. Basically you will be growing Garlic in the rose bed and you will not have any probs in the future. I would put three in now!! Chris