Hi. My wife and I live in a 4 bed modern detached house and our combined energy bill is about £4000 per year is there something wrong. We have a 3 year old combi boiler the walls are insulated all our bulbs are energy ones. Why is it so high.
4 bedroom detached. Oil £200 pcm and electricity £65 pcm. We don't heat all the rooms as there is only the two of us now (flown the nest and all that). Works out at £3180 per annum. Scary. Need more belt tightening but I do think you should have your systems checked.
Thanks all for the input. The split is about 50 50 between gas and elec. will be on the phone to the energy company tomorrow.
Have just checked the street lights and they do seem to be coming from my house. Thanks. Matt. Blackpool
>Have just checked the street lights and they do seem to be coming from my house.
One way to check is to turn your electricity off for 5 minutes at the mains and see whether the street lights go off (bet they don't) and see whether the lights go off at the next door neighbour's cannabis farm.
But even that wouldn't explain the huge gas bill element.
Let's go back a step.
How long have you lived there?
Have your bills always been at this level?
Is the bill based on your current consumption or is there a large element of arrears?
Is it based on actual or estimated readings?