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Halloween costumes...

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erin-x | 19:43 Tue 23rd Oct 2012 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
I'm bored....

Is anyone dressing up for Halloween this year, whether it be for a party, work, whatever? What are you dressing up as?

I've been practicing my Halloween make up for work... I think it may be a tad scary for the babies though!! Haha! :)
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I realize, erin-x, that this doesn't answer your question; but, I was wondering if in the Uk you combine Halloween and Guy Fawkes, or do you have two distinct "festivities"?
Two separate things.
I wish I was going to a Halloween party, I want to dress up.
Erin, is that your make up in your av?
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Two separate events, Stewey.... are you in the US?

On Halloween we have parties, go guising (trick or treating), do pumpkin/turnip carving, dress up in costumes etc..

Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night we have bonfires and fireworks. There's always a "Guy" on the bonfire and that's about it really, round here anyway. Oh well there's always the burger van at the firework display but I don't think that's a tradition ;D
Thanks, sherrardk. Quite close together then, aren't they?...No I'm not dressing up, erin-x.
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Yeah Evian!! I got bored! Lol! My mum does a double take every time she looks at me!

That make up was going to be for work, i'm going as a skeleton you see.. I think it might be a bit too scary for the babies though so i'll have to tone it down a bit! :)
Have you never heard of guy Fawkes? He was the original terrorist.
That is amazing!!!! You're very talented!
I'm in Ontario, erin. I think they still "do" Guy Fawkes Night in Newfoundland, but not in the rest of the country.
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It's just black eyeliner and black eyeshadow! Didn't take long at all :)
How weird, I just chose a song by Bastillen called Flaws on my iPod and I swear the album cover is you in your av! Lol
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You should just get some fireworks and sparklers and do your own display, Stewey :)
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Haha! I haven't listened to Bastille yet.. I know Greg James was going on about them a few months ago...
Just heard that today and loved it. Need to stop listening to it before I kill it for myself.
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I hate when that happens! I've got The Vaccines stuck in my head right now..

I'm no teenage icon.. I'm no Frankie Avalon!

About the only time that you can buy fireworks here is close to Victoria Day: a long weekend that we have in May thanks to your former Queen.
Oh I like that one too. iTunes!
Well we have to go "trick or treating", so I am guessing i may have to put something on. However, with a bit of luck, I shall still be in London and so Mr BM will be doing the dressing up and the treat or treating!!!!!!

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