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cleaning a carpet

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grannie39 | 10:21 Sat 03rd Nov 2012 | Home & Garden
8 Answers
can any of you good people out there, tell me the best way to get a largish stain off a carpet, my husband spilt rather a lot of cooking oil on it, about 2 foot roundish. thanks.


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You can hire a carpet cleaner from the likes of Homebase Gran, with some carpet cleaner Draw up the cooking oil from the carpet then re-clean the whole carpet.
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Thanks I think that is what HE will have to do.
Like the exaggerated HE, grannie lol.
Morn Tony, Cold, damp here, your area?
Try a hot Iron and kitchen role . It takes a bit of doing but it works . Oh and BTW make the clumsey sod do it.
Morning TWR, same here !, How was the hols ?.
sorry grannie.
In the 80s, 2nd week the weather changing, good break, but Cyprus next I think.
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cleaning a carpet

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