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Plumbing F/l Problem

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optomist | 15:58 Sat 27th Apr 2013 | Home & Garden
4 Answers
Why does my boiler (Ideal) flash f/l . No explanation in leaflet, just how to stop it. It is ok for several weeks then does it a few times a day for a few days. I have had plumbers in but just get shrugged shoulders. I am loathe to spend more money till I can tell them the problem.


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F1 (I guess you mean the number 1), usually means low water pressure (if it's a combi boiler).

It's not a fault that can fix itself. It should remain until the water is "topped up" by opening the filling loop.

If it keep repeating, then maybe the pressure relief valve is sticking, or there is a fault on the circuit board.

Which model is it?
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Thanks for is a definite F/L flash..not a combie ... model icos HE24 Ideal
I've been doing some reading up on this particular boiler, Opto.

It's... how can I put this........ not terribly well regarded in the world of boilers :o(

There are at least half a dozen possible reasons for this intermittent fault. Even paint flaking off the inside of the flue pipe has been known to stop the burner igniting!
A blocked condensate pipe is apparently quite common.....
Have a look here to see if you can find it...........

The other possibilities can only be dealt with by a skilled boiler guy. All these guys have different areas of expertise. I suggest you ask Ideal for the name of a local guy who knows these boilers from experience.
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many thanks for your trouble. I had suspected it wasn't a well rec. type,

I have looked at the website you gave and have the manual already which I shall study but I think it is too technical for me and at 80 life's a bit short eh?.... should have stuck to my original boiler, no problems with that one.

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