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How Can We Get Rid Of Moths?

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lynbrown | 22:47 Thu 02nd May 2013 | Home & Garden
9 Answers
For the second spring in a row we seem to have a lot of moths in the house. I kill about 6 a day all over the house. We have tried various remedies but no luck. Any good tips please?


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I had them in my wardrobe last year, I sprinkled lavender oil on bits of cloth and put them in there, the moths disappeared quite quickly.

You could use oil burners around the house, it'll smell nice if nothing else.
1. Find the brightest light in the house, or the light that most of the moths prefer to crash into.

2. Set the plate directly under that light so that the light. This works best if the light does not have a base below it, but is in the ceiling or attached from above.

3. Fill the plate with water. Most plates have a little lip on the sides, and they will be able to hold at least 1/4 inch of water.

4. Squeeze the dish soap into the water. Do not mix, mixing will cause bubbles. The dish soap is only added to enhance the reflective surface of the water.

5. The moths can't tell the difference between an actual source of light or its reflection. They will fly into the light bouncing off the water and get stuck. Some moths will still hang around the actual light but this is an easy way to cut down on the number..
Google moth pheremone traps. These produce a longer term solution. They work by luring moths by sexual attractant.
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Thank you very much.
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Just googled moth pheromone traps - we have bought loads of them but we still have moths!
I use regular mothballs in cupboards in rooms where nobody sleeps. In rooms where people do sleep, i leave bars of soap on the floors of the cupboards and wardrobes. I keep soap for months before using it,so this method dries out the soap and discourages moths at the same time. As I take the soap out of the cupboards to use it,. I replace each bar with freshly bought soap. Moths are deterred by the freshest soap, not the older stuff. The more heavily scented the better.
If they are clothes moths you will need to get the place treated!
If you're talking about moths in general then IMO you shouldn't be killing them. Just keep your windows closed when the lights are on.
If you mean clothes moths then anything goes afaic - I use Raid, but that is only a temporary solution. Robert Dyas do a tin of specialist clothes moth spray called "Zero In" which is supposed to be more permanent, though it is a bit acrid, so hold your breath until it settles!
Keep your purse closed ?

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