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Cleaning Drop Down Blinds

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pusskin | 16:04 Fri 24th Jan 2014 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
I have just spent hours in the last 2 days cleaning my blinds back and front of the house. Phew, hard work.
I've used a damp wet cloth and wiped my fingers along the blinds and watched the dirt disappear.

Is there and easier way to do this? Some kind of spongy stuff on a stick? lol


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Hi, Puss....I have one of the gadgets Cheeky suggests. It's fact good... if you use it regularly.
If the blinds need some pressure it's not great.......a bribed grand daughter is working for me for now.....I'll rethink when she grows up......☺
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Fantastic CheekyChops. Blooming heck, they are so cheap too!

I dont order on line, so would you or anyone know where i can but these while out shopping?Ta muchly x
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My blinds are quite fragile and light weight.
No real pressure needed or the blinds may snap? (Dunelms blinds)
I think I got mine from Tesco but I think they sell them in Wilkinsons as well.
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Oh CheekyChops, you've made my day, many thanks x
I usually take my venetians down and give them a swish in the bath then hang them over the line to drip dry. I do that once a year but in between times I give them a gentle hoovering. I have never got on with the gadgets, I have tried a couple of different ones.

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