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Expanding Hose

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muskox | 18:20 Mon 19th May 2014 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
Are the blue or green expanding garden water hoses any good and are there any disadvantages? I want to use the hose to join to my water sprinkler. Will it cope with this, please?


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A few people have told me they wear out fairly fast when dragged around a lot.iv'e no personal experiance of them but when you see them on tv they allways seem to be getting dragged on a smooth floor like marble
In theory...they are excellent. In practice, not so good. There are lots of complaints about them being not very robust. And (unlike common garden hoses) if there is some damage, it can't be repaired. Could be a very pricey mistake!
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Interesting thoughts - thank you

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Expanding Hose

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