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Asbestos Garage

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Kassee | 10:44 Tue 02nd Jun 2015 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
We have an asbestos garage that I am hoping to have taken away this summer. In the middle of clearing it out.

Next door the land has been brought by a builder and they have just completed three houses on it. The man in charge of the builders has offered to take the asbestos garage down for me, as a goodwill gesture.

What does anyone think of this ? Should I accept ? He says the asbestos is not particularly dangerous sort and they can deal with it. Not sure what to do ?


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I would jump at the chance providing he is going to dispose of it correctly using the proper procedures and protocols. If you suspect he might just fly tip it or put it at the bottom of a skip then I would ask the local council refuse dept for advice as to it's correct disposal.
could be expensive if you follow the rules for disposal of toxic waste. check with the council, they may have facilities.
I'd go for it as well. Mention the word 'asbestos' and many places see a 'money light' come on in their quotes.
That is why I said I would jump at the chance with provisos.(expense)
Our local council had a facility for receiving it at the recycling centre (rubbish tip) The sheets had to be dismantled more or less intact to eliminate too much dust. They had to be wrapped in polythene and sealed.An appointment had to be made to bring the asbestos to the dump where a receiving officer would inspect it and open the inner compound for future disposal. All this was free apart from transport costs but that sevice has now moved elsewhere.If you pay a company to dispose of ot for you they bring a squad round wearing de-contamination suits and portable showers etc. Very expensive.
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He mentioned burying it, until I said there was a site I knew accepted asbestos (which is about 20 mins away)
He'll probably just dig a big hole and bury it. It's only "asbestos cement". Very low risk ........... not quite in the same category as nuclear waste ;o)))
I'm so glad The Builder said that^^^^because I was thinking that asbestos cement is pretty harmless.....

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Asbestos Garage

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