Food & Drink4 mins ago
Slipping Rugs
8 Answers
Does anyone know of a product that will stop a small Axminster carpet square moving on a new Axminster carpet? Have had a look at earlier questions on this site asked some years ago seeking an answer to this problem but they seem to be for keeping mats from slipping on wooden floors, but I need to lift it occasionally to vacuum beneath. I have purchased a product that you stick to the back of the carpet/mat with plastic claws on the back but these are about as useful as a chocolate fireguard
Any answers would be most welcome.
Any answers would be most welcome.
http:// www. amazon. co. uk/ s/ ref= nb_ sb_ ss_ i_ 2_ 11? url= search- alias% 3Daps& amp; field- keywords= carpet+ slip+ stop& amp; sprefix= carpet+ slip% 2Caps% 2C220& rh= i% 3Aaps% 2Ck% 3Acarpet+ slip+ stop look here Jack
06:48 Sun 09th Aug 2015