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Blocking Light

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crapmemory | 13:06 Thu 17th Sep 2015 | Home & Garden
10 Answers
One of my bedrooms has a clear glass skylight above the door. As you can imagine, when the landing light is on, light floods into the room. Is it possible for me to paint the glass with something? Any ideas are welcome. TIA.


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We had the same problem - ordinary gloss paint did the job. We used white and it's opaque enough for no light to show through.
13:11 Thu 17th Sep 2015
We had the same problem - ordinary gloss paint did the job. We used white and it's opaque enough for no light to show through.
well, paint?

You could get some frosting to stick on the glass if you just want to reduce the glare. Otherwise paint it or hang a curtain over it.
-- answer removed --
I was also going to suggest paint.
Of course if you block light coming into your bedroom from the landing, you also block light reaching the landing from the bedroom. Be prepared for a darker landing during the day as it is likely the only natural light it gets.
Have you considered wooden shutters you could close at night ?
I have the same problem and just about to try the following solution, tin foil.
If you try it, let me know how you get on.
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I wasn't sure if paint would work bhg481, but I'll definitely do it now!
Can't you just switch off the landing light when you go to bed? That's what we do (have those window lights above all bedroom doors)
Paint? Why get messy and spend time cleaning brushes etc?

Blackout kit? Bit much to have to spend ten quid on a job like this.

Make it simple. Just get an offcut of hardboard or plywood somewhere, cut to size and bung it in place. Job done. Try an old flat pack furniture drawer. Lots of hardboard in drawer bases.
Why not put some wallpaper over the glass. If you change mind in a couple of years it will be much easier to remove.

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Blocking Light

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