The other day my smoke alarm beeped for no reason. This has happened a few times so I changed the battery. It still beeps randomly. Any suggestions why? TIA
When this happened to my alarm (VERY loud and scared the bejeezus out of me!)I emailed the company and they said to give it a vacuum with the soft brush attachment. I did that and all's been ok since... fingers crossed.
However do check all your plugs and sockets first. I had a smoke detector that occasionally beeped for no apparent reason. However a bit of hunting around found that I'd got a very hot mains socket which, even though I couldn't smell any smoke, was enough to trigger the device.
That happened to mine, I struggled to discover what the problem was until I saw the life date on a little label on the backside. It was 2 years over its rated life span. If a new battery and a gentle dust/hoover doesn't sort it, replace it.