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Mixer Taps On My Bath

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mikey4444 | 09:21 Wed 31st Aug 2016 | Home & Garden
3 Answers
On my bath, I have one of those shower attachment thingies....wear you pull up the button and the water flows out of the hand-held shower, instead of the taps.

But I have never really been able to use it, for anything other than washing the bath down. The temperature of the water is impossible to control....its either far too hot, or stone cold, no matter how you "mix" then up.

Its not really a problem I suppose but is there any know cure ?


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I'd suggest a replacement mixer tap, but maybe you have similar issues to that in my thread ?
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Thanks may be right. It has to be something to do with water pressure I suppose......the hot water pressure is far below that of the cold and I guess it gets "swamped" so to speak.
It sounds to me that the cold feed to your bath taps is direct from the mains if the pressure is so much higher than the hot. It is actually illegal to have a shower plumbed such that someone running cold water elsewhere in the house can reduce the cold water pressure and have the shower run hotter. You could have the bath taps re-plumbed such that the cold feed is from the header tank - that way both taps will have the same water pressure and you should be able to adjust the flow for a good temperature.

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Mixer Taps On My Bath

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