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Unblocking A Toilet

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Barmaid | 07:56 Tue 06th Sep 2016 | Home & Garden
49 Answers
Lord knows how step son has managed to block his loo but he has. Think the blockage is in the u-bend. I certainly cant feel anything this side of the u-bend (carefully using my *** stick).

I have tried washing up liquid and hot water.

I have been advised to use an old fashioned mop to plunge it but I dont have one. There is no way I am using my plunger - the handle is far too short and I am being a wuss.

We do not have a single wire coat hanger in the entire house.

Any other ideas apart from calling Dyno-Rod or whoever (and sending the boy child to the pub to do his business)!? We do have other facilities, but obviously this needs dealing with.


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In my experience, if it's extreme turdation then mechanical means is most effective. Don the gauntlets of Pan and prepare for battle.
08:14 Tue 06th Sep 2016
A pail of water from as high as possible may dislodge whatever's back there.
You can buy flexible proddy cable things at the cheap shops. Other than that there's rubber gloves and a good feel around the bend.
You can normally get your hand far enough down the loo to move the blockage. I have had to do it dozens of times when my grandkids drop stuff down the pan. Helps to have small hands!
Our corner shop sells 'old fashioned mops' for £4.99 each
Barmaid if you have and old mop somewhere, tie a good sturdy plastic bag over the end of it (a good quality one). Make sure that it is not going to come off. Then you use it as you would a plunger, without the necessity to get too close to the loo. This will work.
Oh no! Good luck with that one!

(Wasn't a smartphone was it?) :(
In the interest of balance, OG, flexible catholic cable things are available too. :)
If your son is anything like mine was, he is using 50 yards of toilet roll every time he uses the loo. He could get through 20 yards just blowing his nose.
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Thank you. I wad hoping no one used the term "rubber gloves" because that means being very close.

I doubt the blockage is anything other than biological - he does have a medical issue which has caused this problem before. Although I have always managed with a stick and a shed load of bleach. Unfortunately I can't get out to the shops today. Would soda crystals help do you think?
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Yes Togo. The loo roll consumption goes up by 300% when he is here. I have no idea how he goes thru so much.
In my experience, if it's extreme turdation then mechanical means is most effective.
Don the gauntlets of Pan and prepare for battle.
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Lol Douglas. That has made me laugh.
He has his own personal loo ?
En suite ?
I'm with Doug on this one, turdation.
Untwist a wire coat hanger straighten most of it, leave a hook on the end and get to work. Prodding, poking and hooking, water by the bucket load poured down whilst having fun with the coat hanger will help.

Enjoy your morning ;-)
Haha boys, dont you love em. When my son moved out to make his own life we discovered that within 3 weeks we had 15 loo rolls that were filling a cupboard. We had carried on buying the same amount in the weekly shop, and were gobsmacked to realise that he had been using 1 a day at least. Bearing in mind that he was spending a couple of nights a week "out" anyway.
Get him to do it, Barmaid. Give him your rubber gloves. :-)
And one would expect teenage girls to use more paper.

The mind boggles ;-)
We had this problem from no.2 son (pardon the pun!)

OH used trusted wire coat hanger method with rubber gloves to dislodge said item which he described as 'King Kong's finger' :-0
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Yes he has an en suite. Well would you want to share with a 17 year old?!

I am studiously avoiding any answers which require rubber gloves ;)

Next idea is if I put the pressure washer on the end of the hose do you think that might work. Will wear full chemical warfare suit in case of splash back.
Hope it wasn't hairy with a nail on the end Jubieanna
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I am laughing our loud at "king Kong ' s finger".

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