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Rats In The Garden

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maggie01 | 20:58 Sun 11th Sep 2016 | Home & Garden
21 Answers
Yesterday I had two could be three rats in my garden. Not sure if I saw one twice. Anyway they came under my neighbours fence, across my patio and under fence to my other neighbour. Haven't seen them today but as there were at least two I am a bit worried there could be more. I have to let dog out for a wee before bed and am petrified I will see one. What are the chances they have disappeared.


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Had a reply from council. They can't do anything till October and they can only put poison down in my garden unless my neighbour requests it. I will see if I see them again . My neighbour will be back in October so I will ask him if he can check
under his decking and go from there. Hopefully they were just passing through. I have checked this morning and there is no trace of them anywhere

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