a'noon garden goddesses (& god)...luverly day but a bit warm for Chas so we've come in for a while, he will insist on checking every blade of grass & chasing every bee without his sunhat on. I'm feeling a bit better today thanks all.
marm, long time no chat, hope you're well....puggy doesn't do the corners very well does he? :o)
neti, were you nosing in my drawers when we were in the salon?! Thanks for mentioning the vaseline...I'm not using it but you did remind me I'd had a free sample of something that works on the same principle
Hay Max & I'd clean forgotten! It only took me half an hour to find it, you could have told me where it was. I'll give it a whirl....I hope I'm not allergic to it, haha.
I think netimacheti's been at it again