Yoohoo again folks .Thanks for that
Woofy . I shall order one .I've a got a nice nail file which is a sapphire one from germany from Pfeilring .Brilliant they are .Last for years .
Neti I can't open that file .It says I need Acrobat Reader and we have Foxitreader. We did have Acrobat but I can't find it anymore .I'll get Picky to fiddle with it .I've read Nella Last's Peace .V. good but she does ramble on a bit about what she's cooking for dinners .It's still all Spam and dried egg in spite of the war being over .
Robinia I have just the film for you unless of course you've already seen it . Aive reclained and watched a film during the day ,something I haven't done for years :) It stars, of course your fave and Helen Mirren .Greenfingers it's called .It was brilliant and great background music .
I suppose I could carry on with that beer cosy I started knitting for
Vinny all those years ago :)) I'll see if can remember
the pattern