If you do that whilst hot and on, you're not getting all the trapped air out.
If you attempt to bleed them with the pump working, because of the hot water circulating around, then more extremely hot water will flow out, go on your carpet, if you have one, and probably stain, not to mention risk to your hands if cloth not covering completely, when you start to open up the nipple.
From Wiki how:
Turn off your heat. Ensure that your central heating is switched off before bleeding, as an active heating system can introduce more air into the system. You want your radiator's contents to settle completely before releasing the air trapped within. Allow time for the heat in your system to dissipate, then feel all over your radiator for heat. If any part of your radiator is still hot, wait for it to cool completely before proceeding to the next step.
I think whatever works for you, should go with....It's only my opinion :-)