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Neighbours Trees/vermin

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Bigbad | 15:00 Wed 08th Mar 2017 | Law
14 Answers
I have 1 near neighbour, and although the houses are not close together, the gardens adjoin.

My house is very close to part of the border, and there is a tall fence between the 2 gardens, but on their side are a lot of trees and other greenery which hang over my side and touch the wall and the roof. One of the trees is even pushing against the fence forcing it further towards me.

I have recently had a problem with vermin in the loft, and the trees etc have been identified as a possible point of entry for the vile creatures.

Before I go and speak to the neighbours (we don’t know each other), does anyone know if they are obliged to prune their trees, or is it down to me?
And what happens (worst case scenario) if they won’t allow it to be done?



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you can cut back any growth over your boundary..but you must give it back to cut it down and toss over fence
May I ask what the 'vile creatures' are Bigbad ?
My understanding is that you must offer the cuttings not just sling them over the boundary.
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I knew the bit about having to give it back, thanks murraymints.
I’m just wondering given the circumstances if they may be obliged to do it, otherwise I’ll have to pay someone, and it’s all cost me a fortune already!
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Mice and Rats, hereIam.
I am at war with neighbour and 40ft Lleylandii....unless you impose the high hedges act..which applies not to isolated trees and is up to them...however you do not need their permission to prune your side of boundary
Oo not nice Bigbad. I think the only thing you can do is approach them, they may be decent people and want to help you. Hope so.
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Just had a quick look at that High Hedges Act. No mention of vermin murraymints, so don’t know if it applies here.

I hope so, hereIam, but just wanted a few opinions before I approached them.
“Oo not nice Bigbad” is an understatement - having vermin on the property is like being married again!
you can only ask them and see !!
Ha ha Bigbad. Good luck ...
who owns the fence?
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I don’t know, woofgang, but the ‘good’ side is facing me, so presume theirs.
It would be best if you ask them tactfully to cooperate. Only if they refuse should you cut their trees yourself. If, for instance , you should seal the cut branches, but don't, you might allow disease to affect the trees, and the neighbours might make some sort of claim against you. I had just such a problem with my neighbours, but they hadn't realised that their trees were a nuisance. As soon as I pointed this out, they apologised and removed several huge leylandii quite promptly.
atalanta, current advice is NOT to seal cut branches....just saying

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