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Smart Meters

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granny grump | 19:41 Wed 12th Jul 2017 | Home & Garden
45 Answers
I have just received a letter from N-power saying that they are rolling out the installation of smart meters. I have read some very negative articles and they all say that they offer no benefit or substantial saving Can I refuse to have one fitted? Any feedback or experiences would be very gratefully received


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Wouldn't have one if they paid me. Gran we did this to death a while back. put Smart Meters in "search" and all the threads will be there.
Eventually, when a law is passed to make them obligatory, then you'll have to have one. As it stands, you can refuse...I have done.

At the moment yes, you can refuse, no problem at all.
Perhaps I should have said "if and when"....
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Thank you all - I'll look back at smart meters
I have a smart meter. I am with British Gas & it was installed for free. My monthly payments are now less than before but this is not because the smart meter was fitted just my payment plan changed. All the smart meter does is tell you what you are using and if you go over your budget. If I go over my budget continually my direct debit payment goes up. If I don't pay on time I will get cut off. I used to do online readings but a meter reader would still need to attend at intervals to verify. My water meter is now also a smart meter & my monthly payment has just gone down. I use energy and water as I need to. To keep warm & clean.

///All the smart meter does is tell you what you are using and if you go over your budget///

They also send Meter Readings to your Supplier using the Mobile Phone Signal set-up and cause lots of problems if you do not have a good signal strength.
My main concern is that if a grid crisis developed, and usage reduction is necessary, your supplier can turn you off, whilst those without the "smart" meters stay on. No Ta.
Yes. I've already done so.
The obligation is to offer them to everyone not to force them on everyone.
Oh and it's not really free. Stands to reason that the expense will inevitably be passed on in earlier and higher prices rises. But if the public think it is free that's one more thing that won't be putting them off.
I've had one installed recently. I don't think it has benefited us at all. I turned the display thing off because it didn't work as intended and I thought it might be interfering with my wifi.
When we were with Scottish Gas we git one.

It came with a stand-alone monitor - which was useless. It was touch screen - when it wanted to be! It didn't really tell you anything.

When we switched supplier our meter lost its smart facility.

Other than not having to send meter readings, I can't see the point of it.
Tuvoc it is "free" because it is for the supplier's benefit not yours. Another lie coated with a greed sugar.
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Thank you the answers reinforce my initial thoughts
Scottish power have sent me dozens of texts to phone and arrange to get one fitted, just ignored them...not sure about them so will wait until I am obliged to
It's just something else for your other half to monitor and nag you about.....
I'm getting mine fitted next week. I got a letter from my supplier telling me they are closing my tariff and moving me onto another plan. They say, and I quote, 'We're ending the tariff for your current electricity meter and moving you on to e.on energy plan. This tariff won't have cheaper off-peak rates, which could mean your prices increase significantly. We've also recently increased the prices on this tariff' unquote.
So if I want to stay on a tariff with a cheaper rate I'm going to have to have a different meter which obviously comes with the smart meter.
So the smart meter is not being forced on me, but then again....
I've had a smart meter for quite some time but the monitor stopped working, so I phoned E-ON to ask if they would replace it but they couldn't because that monitor was now obsolete so I would have to have a new meter and monitor.This was fitted, but the traffic light system didn't work, so I phoned them and instead of just sending out a new meter, 2 men in 2 vans arrived!They told me that because I am a low user, the traffic signal won't change from green, so a wasted visit by them.
ImLostAgain, I have just been through that very process - however on inspection of my two elderly meters EON couldn't fit a smart meter and fitted a Classic Economy 10 instead on Monday.

They said I can now request a smart meter having made that move - I told them I'd let them know.

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