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Cold Radiator

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Elspeth | 15:51 Fri 20th Oct 2017 | Home & Garden
7 Answers
Is there a friendly plumber/heating engineer looking in? One of my gas central heating radiators has suddenly stopped heating up. The radiators are thermostatically controlled and I have tried opening it to maximum but no joy. This has never happened before and I am stumped. Any ideas would be appreciated. This just happens to be in the coldest room in the house!


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air block ? have you bled the rad ?
I had the same Issue, shut off all other rads & direct all the hot water to the cold rad, I take it you have bled it? have you checked if the valve is working? check the IN/ OUT pipes below the rad, are they hot? another cause is a blocked rad this involves shutting off the rad taking it off the wall & flushing it, has that been done?
A plumber will probably take the thermostatic control off and tap the valve with a hammer.
If it's definitely the whole of the radiator which isn't heating up (rather than just part of it) it's more likely to be a dodgy TRV (thermostatic radiator valve) than a need for bleeding.

Hopkirk's solution is the first thing to try.
I didn't know how to actually do it until I watched Chris's YouTube link.
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Many thanks everyone, and particularly buenchio for the link to a plumber. The answer seems to lie with a hammer, so watch this space......

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Cold Radiator

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