Bed bugs is on the increase in the UK, the last 12 months have seen a 300% increase in cases in some areas and is now getting to the stage in parts of London where the sources may include public transport or a public access building.
The initial things to look for are:
blood spots on the sheets
black spots on the bed frame and furniture
bites with a raised often whiteish welt
live insects around the bed area
You can minimise the extent of an infestation with good home hygiene but if they have got to the stage of breeding (laying eggs) then it is easiest to contact either your local councils environment department or a specialist pest controller.
I have created a web site with lots of useful and free information about bed bugs which includes a gallery and check list to see if they are the source of your problems. It can be found at www.bed-bugs.co.uk .
For rapid reference the main difference between fleas bites and beg bug bites is that flea bits always have a red spot in the centre of the bite where bed bugs never do.
I sincerely hope its not a case of bed bugs as they can be quite traumatic when they are established in a property.
Hope this helps,