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Living in Sittingbourne

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t2bad | 20:51 Sat 29th Oct 2005 | Home & Garden
3 Answers

Does anyone know anything about living Sittingbourne and surrounding areas. A freind of mine recently moved to Sittingbourne and I am seriously considering doing the same mainly because of the house prices. I currently live in Chafford Hundred(Grays Thurrock) which isnt a bad area but is way overpriced. I am mostly interested in the transport situation cause I work in central London and the standard of living really. Schools, shopping, entertainment, locals. Somebody please help! Any information is greatly appreciated



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This site has some useful information Just type in Sittingbourne and go from there.

Have you thought of asking your friend? :-)

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He only just moved there and I doubt he is going to give me an unbiased opinion

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