i am having a water meter installed soon as its compulsory in my area. That's fine they can install it but I don't want it.
They are welcome to dig up the road or pavement to install it. Am I within my rights to refuse to let them install it on my property?
Going further than that can I refuse to let a person from the water company into my home?
If, like me, you live on your own, you will almost certainly save a lot of money with a meter. I had a water meter fitted not long after I moved into my current house, and my total bill (to 2 water companies!) is under £100
danny that is interesting because as I understand it, the meter becomes the cut off point between the pipework that you are responsible for and the pipework that the waterboard are responsible for....
A year ago my water supplier contacted me to say they were fitting water meters in my area. The meter would be installed in my property and I would have 2 years to decide whether or not to have it activated. The meter was installed and was followed by a visit from the supplier to discuss my water consumption. I subsequently decided to have it activated and saw a significant reduction in my bills. Made me think about how much I had been overpaying in the past.
My son had a meter fitted in his kitchen when he lived in a flat. Usually though they are fitted just outside your property. We had one fitted a number of years ago and ours bill went from just under £100 a month to around half of it. We are with South West Water. Bloke that fitted it said that if there are 3 or less in the house then bill should go down and if we didn't want to keep it, as long as we told them within 12 months we could go back to it being unmetered.
We've saved a small fortune since we went onto a water meter - our annual bill is about a third of what we were paying before even without taking inflation into account.
When we bought this house 20 years ago the owner gave me details of their monthly utility bills. Then they were paying £33 pm for water. We had a meter fitted and pay £14 pm today.
>That's fine they can install it but I don't want it.
They can install it under the pavement. Whether you want it or not won't change that. I am glad I had a meter installed but I can see that a big family or a wasteful/high water family might not want it, but that's a minor concern to me.