I painted my window sills last Saturday and done a fairly good job. Scraped the old paint off - undercoated and final gloss.
However I done a very bad thing - I touched or perhaps more than touched the paint to see if it was dry and left quite a big finger print. Now it is at the front house so could i sand the prints off and just repaint the "finger print" or would i have to redo the whole sill.
the sun is beaming on the sill right now so will wait until it is cooler tonight and give it a little sand - if it doesn't work I really have to do whole sill again.
Before you do, jj, just brush a dab of gloss over the offending print. Chances are it will cover well enough for you not to have to go to the trouble of sanding. And, if it doesn't, it will still be dry enough for you to exercise plan A tonight.
I would leave .In years to come people will look at at and say “Look there ,there’s our Jenny Joan’s prints wonder full isn’t it one fine person if ever ther was one “
Well - who cares - you wouldn't believe it - my neighbour saw it last night, I pretended the sun melted it - oh no that's your fingerprint. Cousin commented too. It's away now - but will sand the small area and then paint.
I also painted my fencing, dog's kennel, shed with Cuprinol green paint yesterday so I think my painting is over for now.