Jokes1 min ago
4 Answers
rockyracoon and waterboatman replied to my query re moths by telling me they hate lavender oil, I was delighted to hear this as I love the smell. Can you tell me apart from hating the smell, does it kill them on contact?.
Thank you both and thank you to all who replied.
Thank you both and thank you to all who replied.
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It does not kill them ,just makes them go somewhere else as they don't like the smell. There is a wide range of Moth killers sprays available
https:/ /www.go .uk/sea rch?q=m oth+kil ler+spr ay& source= lnms&am p;tbm=i sch& ;sa=X&a mp;ved= 0ahUKEw iulNbb5 JbcAhXq BcAKHeP -BZkQ_A UICygC& amp;biw =1366&a mp;bih= 635
^ Any of those actually kill them,instead of just making them go somewhere else.
^ Any of those actually kill them,instead of just making them go somewhere else.