Renew Passport - First Uk Passport in The AnswerBank: How it Works
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Renew Passport - First Uk Passport

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tali1 | 20:40 Wed 30th Jan 2019 | How it Works
19 Answers
I went online to renew my passport .My old one was issued in 1991 -after completing few more details i got this message below.Oddly , none of this information is on their website and i have their booklet in front of me - and again nothing about a passport being too old for renewal
"Apply for a first UK passport
Based on your answers, you have an old passport that was issued in 1991.
As your passport was issued a long time ago, you must apply for a first UK passport and you may need to have a passport interview.
It should take around 6 weeks to get a new passport."
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Yes, I got the same message when I started mine online, so I rang the Passport helpline (0300 222 0000). The advisor told me how to get past the message - by clicking on something else - can't remember exactly what it was now, you then get a different form which will let you do it online, providing you have an old burgundy passport. It worked for me, I got my passport...
21:18 Wed 30th Jan 2019
The Passport website says that you 'can't renew an expired 'old blue' passport, issued up until the early 1990s' .
Are you applying from outside the UK?
Which site are you using to make the application please Tali?
You cannot renew such an old passport, you will be treated as a new applicant
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I have a red one -I am applying from uk- i was born here and lived here for all of my 50 years!
Maybe the website should have been clearer - if they're not renewing blue passports issued up until the early 1990s, they're maybe not renewing any passports issued so long ago? Yours was 1991, so it sounds as if they're treating you the same.
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Yes i am using official site , not one of those paying scam ones.After some digging with keywords i found.Mmmm


If you have previously held a British passport as an adult or child that was issued for 5 or 10 years, it isn’t damaged and you don’t need to change any personal details you need to apply for a renewal.

You can't renew an expired 'old blue' style passport. This is a passport with a dark blue cover that was issued up until the early 1990s. You must apply as a first time applicant by selecting the 'First passport' option and send the blue passport to us with your supporting documents.

First passport

Select this option if you have never had a British passport before, or you were previously included as a child on someone else's passport, or are renewing an 'old blue' style passport. This includes those who were not British at birth but have gained naturalisation or registration as a British national and are applying for a first British passport. "
They started issuing red passports in 1988 though.. Is there still a passport office helpline? I know there used to be and they were very helpful
I just tried a dummy renewal app on the Gov.UK site and within a minute I got the message:

"Apply for a first UK passport
Based on your answers, you have an old passport that was issued in 1991.

As your passport was issued a long time ago, you must apply for a first UK passport and you may need to have a passport interview.
It should take around 6 weeks to get a new passport."

You are right- it doesn't seem to mention it earlier but at least you find out pretty quickly before you have to enter lots of name and address info
Is your old passport burgundy? If so, you can renew it. I renewed mine a few weeks ago, it expired in 1993.
Windywillow, the OP started the online application - and was told the passport couldn't be renewed. (I tried with a 1991 date and got the same message).
Yes, I got the same message when I started mine online, so I rang the Passport helpline (0300 222 0000).

The advisor told me how to get past the message - by clicking on something else - can't remember exactly what it was now, you then get a different form which will let you do it online, providing you have an old burgundy passport.

It worked for me, I got my passport back in a week!
That sounds great, Windywillow - I'm sure tali1 would like the same result!
Interesting, but hardly surprising: The system currently likely altogether lacks any connection with your old passport and any/all details that were the basis for it being issued in the first place. You therefore basically have to start afresh as if you were effectively a non-existent individual needing to prove what/who he/she is. Based on other recently highlighted examples, it is not impossible that you will be unable to convince the UK system that you exist, never mind who you really are and least of all that you "belong". It can be entirely irrelevant that you have attended education establishments in the UK, paid tax in the UK, etc., etc., including having held a UK passport. This is what makes the UK different (superior ?) from other European (and beyond that) countries - the system is incompetent.
Crossed with latest posts - amazing if the system has two separate tracks to do the same thing, the twain never meeting unless you phone somebody who reveals the one that cancels the other which barred you completely. Wonderful example of the UK's approach to public systems.
I had reason to ring the helpline a few times (was renewing husband's passport too) and I got different answers from different advisors.

First one told me I would have to send a current bill showing my married name, along with my original marriage certificate (old passport was in my maiden name).

I later spoke to a different advisor and was told that a bill wasn't necessary, unless my name had been changed by deed poll.

Another advisor told me I'd need to submit a photograph which had been taken in the last 4 weeks (I think it says this in the info booklet). I sent a photo I'd had taken about a year ago and it was accepted. Advisor told me they would know when the photograph was taken and they would reject it if it was more than 4 weeks old. I think he was fibbing about that because it was accepted and processed super-quick, no paying extra for fast tracking or check and send. I was very pleased.
My old passport expired in 1994 (it was blue). I renewed it in 2010, in those intervening years I was divorced and remarried. Admittedly I didn't renew online, but all I had to do was provide a new photo (unsigned) and my marriage certificate. I sent these with my old passport using the Post Office check and send thingy, and had a new passport about a month later.
I've just sent selfies, which they say not to do, and even photoshopped them to remove a lock of hair over my eyes, which they also say not to do, and nobody noticed anything. (Easy enough to alter the date on them too if you're using an old one.) I'd make such a good terrorist...

The blue passports is that they weren't biometric, but an old red one may not be either.
They kept rejecting my husband's uploaded photos, saying there was a shadow in the photograph. We don't think it was a shadow - think it was his grey hair.

Was advised to take the photo with a cream or light grey background, which we did, but it still kept getting rejected. In the end he went to the photo booth and sent the photo in the post. That one was accepted without any problem.
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Phoned them and they said i will need to pay extra for postal application just be on safe side .They said site hasn't blue /red passport option and could be a "transistion issue" from one to the other colour .Could understand if mine was 88 but it was 3 ys later in 91

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