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Bird Stuck In Chimney

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CW1 | 09:44 Sat 06th Apr 2019 | Home & Garden
4 Answers

A bird's stuck in a chimney (it sounds understandably distressed). The chimney can't be accessed to try to free it as there's a gas fire. What can they do? Call chimney sweep, emergency gas man ?


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gas man probably ,we had it happen last year and after the gas was switched off the fire was unscrewed from the gas pipe and moved forwards a bit , I managed to rescue one magpie and found another one dead that must have been there for a while
Sad to say but it will probably die long before you can strip things down in order to free it. It's not an uncommon problem and the only real solution is to find some way of stopping them getting in in the first place.
Same happened in our office. It died before we could get to it (blocked up fire place)
I think everyone may well be right and time is against a rescue.

Sorry to divert but just wanted to say - Hello Ianess, long time no see.

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Bird Stuck In Chimney

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